MindS t r e t c h Mastermind

My proven MindStretch Masterminds are starting up again in the fall. This is a Mastermind group where your goal is to truly master your mind.

·      Where you will gain greater focus, peace of mind, clarity, and confidence by discovering and living in your future self now?

·      Where you will develop a mindset that cannot be penetrated, one where you observe situations with curiosity rather than reacting in the moment?

·      Where you gain self-awareness, change of your limiting beliefs, or feelings like not being enough or being able to change?

I am seeking people who want more control over their lives. Where they want to stop living Déjà vu all over again and have greater focus and less stress.

If you would like to develop an impenetrable mindset to handle whatever comes and you could accomplish this in less than a year, let’s talk.

The MindSync MindStretch Mastermind program provides teaching from the world’s gurus in mind, body and spirit and wrapped in a Mastermind program that actually allows you to master your mind. There are four differ levels you can participate in from the DIY program to the peer group model. Contact me to find out more.