MindS t r e t c h Mastermind


Develop a Bulletproof Mindset

Gaining Control of Your Life

1.     Why – Develop a mindset that can’t be penetrated, one where you experience situations by choice rather than life being dictated to you.

2.     What – Gain greater peace of mind, clarity, focus and confidence by discovering and living in your future self.

3.     How – Through increased self-awareness, relief from limiting beliefs, and feelings of not being enough/worthy, of being defective or can’t attain/achieve.

4.     Result – Change within and have the tools to enhance your Mental Health, lower stress, anxiety, confidence, clarity, freedom, discover Your Voice, achieve greater efficiency, and save time.

Bulletproof means a bullet cannot penetrate it. So, a ‘bulletproof mindset’ means you don’t allow things from the outside to penetrate or dictate a change in your mindset. To do that we have to be aware of how we perceive situations. Because it is never the situation, never! It is how we are experiencing the situation that presents a problem. And how we are experiencing the situation is based upon your perception which is your mindset. Once we become bulletproof in how and why we perceive things, then nothing can penetrate how we experience it. Now, when nothing dictates how we are experiencing life, we are able to choose the life you desire. And here is a sad fact – 50% of all of our memories and perceptions are not the truth and we don’t question them. Perception is a skill, that we can strengthen if we know how.

Goals: Becoming Your Authentic Self

•      Gain greater control of what life throws at you.

•      Control Thoughts/Emotions.

•      Become more efficient and save time in business and life.

•      Set Boundaries.

•      Capture your true Purpose.

•      Live Your Values.

•      Reclaim your Voice.

•      Increase Self-Love, Focus and Motivation.

•      Manage Stress.

•      Release Limiting Beliefs and Patterns.

•      Make Better, Faster, more Confident Decisions.

•      Learn your loops and patterns and break the habits of being yourself.

•      Learn the value of Mindfulness-Meditation.

 Bi-monthly meetings

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