When it comes to control, the lines can get blurry between control, influence, and things to work towards.

Things we can control are your:

·       Attitude - Your Attitude, not Your Aptitude, will Determine Your Altitude.
~Zig Ziglar

·      Excellence - We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. Will Durant

·      Initiative - Initiative is doing the right thing without being told. Victor Hugo

·       Observations - Science progresses best when observations force us to alter our preconceptions. Vera Rubin

·      Choices - It is our choices... that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. J. K. Rowling

·       Response verses Reaction – In response lies our growth and our freedom. It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters. Epictetus

·       Focus and attention – Focus on what lights a fire inside of you!

We can strongly influence our with:

·       Thoughts and emotions - journaling your current Thoughts, Focus and Environment, identify your desired future thoughts, focus and environment, reframe the negative and start living the future now.

·       Behavior – intentionality, discipline, journaling, reviewing every night to see how you progressed

·       Body – reduce cortisol by managing stress, exercise, weight, nutrition, and sleep.

·       Breathing – hydration, Regular Exercise, Diaphragmatic Breathing, Hot and Cold Therapy, air quality, breathwork, posture, yoga and meditation.

·       Energy – attitude – values, purpose, environment, nutrition, exercise, mindfulness-meditation, actions, behavior, Hot and Cold Therapy, Judge less - Discern more!

·       Health – attitude, exercise, nutrition, sleep, and weight and each of the above.

We can work on:

·       Genetics – 10-15% of who we are. Research is showing how to change your genetic code. to change your personality, change your personal reality.

·       Involuntary processes – breathwork, sleep, nutrition, and exercise

·       External events – Change how you respond and suspend judgement - The other does not exist to please or displease you. The other exists to teach you.

We can change! We have more control than what we imagine! We can at least influence our mind, body, and spirit. And we can work on everything. It is up to us to be mindful, to meditate and to act on who we want to become. Need a little guidance on how to do it faster? Contact me!


The Leader’s Mind