Stuff You Probably Won’t Do

If someone promised you longer life, better health, more enjoyment in life would you, do it? We know most of this stuff. We know we should do a lot of stuff but “life gets in the way”, and we don’t make them a priority. Each of the following life practices are scientifically proven to improve us yet….

Cold Showers  and ice baths – reduces cholesterol, boosts immune system, treats autoimmune inflammation, eases pain and speeds recovery, increases insulin sensitivity and decreases concentrations, improves mental health, and brain development.

Sunlight in eyes at sunrise and sunset - Improves energy and immune function, increases vitamin D, resets Circadian clock for sleep and allows you to sleep better.

Gratefulness - Reduces a multitude of toxic emotions from envy and resentment to frustration and regret. Opens the door to greater relationships, improves physical health, reduces aches and pains, enhances empathy and reduces aggression, improves sleep, and better self-esteem and mental strength.

Exercise - Being physically active can improve your brain health, help manage weight, reduce the risk of disease, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve your ability to do everyday activities. We need between 150-180 minutes of exercise per week (60% strength, 40% aerobic).

Living by Highest Values – Setting and living by 3-5 of your highest core values and reviewing how you did daily. You will not need motivation.

Nutrition and Hydration - Live longer and lower risk for serious health problems such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. Hydration - Regulates body temperature, keep joints lubricated, prevent infections, deliver nutrients to cells, and keep organs functioning properly.

Digital Villains – Jim Kwik lists 4 digital villains -  Deluge - we are deluged with information, Distraction - we are distracted by notifications, Dementia - we forget things because we have them on our phone, and Deduction - we have lost critical thinking abilities because it is available at our fingertips – Check your mindset as much as you check your phone.

Utilize an Executive, Life and Mind Heal Coach - gain valuable knowledge, skills, and insights, as well as personalized support, guidance, and encouragement in business, life, and health.

So, we all have a choice. We can start doing things that will lengthen our life, create better health, and achieve more enjoyment in life, or not. If you want to talk about how, give me a call 612-805-7440.


Letting Go


You Are SOOO Biased!